Sunday, January 4, 2009

new year resolution 2009

new year resolution 2009..

ada satu pertanyaan seperti ini ?
kenapa yaa ada orang yang segitu kuat sama hal yang dia mau sampe ga mikirin orang lain..orang itu akan senang ga yaa dengernya,ato sedih,ato bingung... well ..some people are...

some people would say..." this is my have to accept it...dont question about it..or even dare find the answer.....fuck the rest"
tanpa perhitungan,tanpa mikir,tanpa hal2x yang menganggu keputusannya...

berbagai alasan bisa jadi :
- ga tau cara ngomongnya...
- ga maksud gitu..
- atau karena takut...
arrgh...buat gue sama aja...emang takut ajah ngomong yang sebenernya!
mau main cara kasar ato cara alus...tetep...we can`t accept rejection...betul toh?
di reject telp sama sahabat loe di tengah dia lagi terima
di reject company yang lu terima
di reject telp sama pacar terima

apapun...rejection itu tetep ga bisa diterima manusia..ada sedikit permainan defensif disitu...:) its nature can`t accept everything that you believe its not good for you... so siapa yang tahu yang baik buat dirimu?? yaa dirimu sendiri tentunya...!! dan yang MAHA TAHU YA PENCIPTAMU..

ga salah kok jadi ..BE SELFISH...karena it whats makes you a just gonna have to do you can take it all...the winner takes it all..:))

so this year resolution...
- love me,myself,and my good reflection..
- stop thinking what`s best for others...think about whats best for me...
- the answer is within you...
- choose your battle...

*thank you...for showing me how selfish you are...:))

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