Friday, June 26, 2009

half crazy month

ga sangka yaa udah ada di pertengahan taun lagi. wow...i had amazing journey so far.
lets take a quick rekap,shall we? ...
january : i`m the happiest person in first month of the year. moving slowly but sure with a little help from job and new lover...nice! mulai muncul kepercayaan diri menata lagi,merapihkan dan berbuat banyak kebaikan dech...
february : masih dalam suasana cerah ceria gulali...tapi mulai merasakan getir. hah!! iyaa..gue menyadari bahwa kecuekan gue..ato attitude gue mulai dirasakan merugikan orang lain...tapi masih ada tuh palentin ceria,yang ada gue dihadapkan pada kenyataan bahwa saya harus kehilangan pekerjaan...liattt...malaikat juga tau sapa juaranya!!!
maret : mulai cranky karena being jobless makes you useless and low self esteem..but then the otherside of me falling apart..tanda2x kehancuran udah mulai keliatan..dooms day in my life...mulai cari2x kekuatan biar ga pecah di tengah badai ini.
april : akhirnya datang juga...hei kapan lagi bisa boyfriendless and jobless dalam hitungan hari..dan dengan bangganya saya masih tersenyum manits...dan kalupun orang blg haduhh udah deh loe emang menikmati kesedihan loe...udah dech jangan terlalu dirasain...BODOOO AMATTT!!!!....klo lo pernah dan sudah pro dalam masalah ini..selamat!! saya masih amatir,saya masih innocent memandang segala kebaikan dibalas kebaikan...padahal jelas2x kebaikan dibales jahat yaaa...biarin..silahkan loh the time i rise you fall and no worries i sent you my smile...sincerely.
May : new step...just to boost me everyday with laugh.and what do you know...a funny fellow escort me up until now...and make me part of their journey as like crazy just to get me out from silence in my mind
June : all the events teach me...everything could happen in split second.rather think too much just do good things all the like you will die tomorrow....all the anger,all the wound,all the happy,all the laughter....will always be with...but then it always back to the way it was...

next 6 months : all i need just a ticket to never ending happiness and forget my unforget,unforgiven,unwanted phase..

when words are just words...and i want to proof of it.

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